This is the right place to find

All the answers

What our customers ask

Most frequent questions

  • How do we work?
  • What services do we offer?
  • What kind of vehicles do we have?
  • How reliable are we?
  • How do we commit to you?
How do we work?

We are shareholders in the US’s largest Independent Network, our network is made up of independent business owners who all strive to be the best.

What services do we offer?

When it comes to posting a parcel, sending a package or shipping a pallet… we’ve got you covered!

What kind of vehicles do we have?

We’ve got Truck haulers, Delivery vans, Multi purpose trucks, Motor-cycles, Air-crafts,Ships e.t.c for seamless transportation

How reliable are we?

Our ‘get it there quick’ service where it all started at Courier Logistics remains at the heart of our business. We operate full tracking and electronic job allocation as well as instant PODs.

How do we commit to you?

Not only do we offer cheap parcel delivery US-wide, we’re also experts in international delivery. We offer extremely competitive rates on parcel deliveries to Australia, the USA, Europe, China… and everywhere in between!


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Another set of questions

  • Why Should I Choose CoStarDeliveryService?
  • How do I get the Best Price Online when Sending a Parcel?
  • What Parcel Delivery Services do CoStarDeliveryService Offer?
Why Should I Choose CoStarDeliveryService?

CoStarDeliveryService makes finding the right parcel service for you really easy. As the US’s biggest parcel courier comparison website, we compare all parcel prices and postal rates from the most reliable parcel delivery companies for you – saving you time, effort and money!

How do I get the Best Price Online when Sending a Parcel?

CoStarDeliveryService makes finding the right parcel service for you really easy. As the US’s biggest parcel courier comparison website, we compare all parcel prices and postal rates from the most reliable parcel delivery companies for you – saving you time, effort and money!

What Parcel Delivery Services do CoStarDeliveryService Offer?

We offer a wide range of parcel collection and drop off services, including premium options such as same day, next day, express and special delivery to ensure maximum flexibility for our customers.View our complete range of couriers and services.

Not sure how much would it cost you?

Use our calculator to find out!